The Genesis of Environmental Protection in Ontario
By Environmental Commissioner of Ontario
In celebration of the 20th anniversary of the Environmental Bill of Rights, we have captured some stories and memories from Ontario's unique environmental history. Click to see a list of all stories.
Environmental Journalists
By Ross Howard, David Israelson, Michael Keating
Ontario's Environmental Historians
By Robert Paehlke, Doug Macdonald and Mark Winfield
Enforcing our Environmental Laws
By John Martin, Mark McKenney
Great Lakes United
By Sarah Miller, John Jackson, Jeanne Jabanoski
Environmental Lawyers in Private Practice
By Harry Dahme, Stephen Garrod and John Willms
Pulp and Paper Mills
By Jim Drummond, Nels Conroy, Dennis Draper
Recycling Council of Ontario
By Paul Taylor, John Hanson, Glenda Gies
Bob Rae and the NDP Government
By Bob Rae, Ruth Grier
Ministry of the Environment: Part 2
By David Balsillie, James Bishop, Peter Dennis
EBR Task Force
By Michael Cochrane, John Macnamara, Peter Victor
Grant-Giving Foundations
By David Donnelly, Andrew Stewart, Bruce Lourie
Deputy Environment Ministers
By Graham Scott, Rod McLeod, Gary Posen
Chief Foresters of Ontario
By Ken Armson, Michael Innes, Rob Burgar
Birth of the Environmental Bill of Rights
By Ruth Grier, Paul Muldoon, Rick Lindgren
Acid Rain Scientists
By Wolfgang Scheider, Norman Yan, Peter Dillon
Preserving Agricultural Lands
By Gracia Janes, John Bacher, Elbert van Donkersgoed
Environment Minister Jim Bradley 1985-90
By Jim Bradley, David Oved, Sarah Rang
Crown Forest Sustainability Act
By Bud Wildman, David Balsillie, Marty Donkevoort
The Peterson Years
By David Peterson, Mark Rudolph, Jan Whitelaw
Blue Box Recycling
By Wendy Cook, Colin Isaacs, Derek Stephenson
Protecting the Niagara Escarpment
By Rob Leverty, Cecil Louis and Ron Reid
Protecting the Rouge Watershed
By Jim Robb, Cathy Gregorio and Lois James
Birth of a Practice: Environmental Lawyer
By Dennis Wood, Alan Levy, Heather Mitchell, Clifford Lax
Love Canal’s bigger brother
By Toby Vigod, Rick Findlay, Doug Draper
Ministry of the Environment: Part One
By Dennis Caplice, Victor Rudik, Wayne Scott
Canadian Environmental Law Association
By David Estrin, John Swaigen, Joseph Castrilli
Temagami, Old Growth and Canoeing
By Hap Wilson, Brian Back, Amber Ellis
First Lawyers of MOE
By Linda McCaffrey, Minoo Khoorshed, Jerry Herlihy
Pollution Probe
By Monte Hummel, Brian Kelly, Peter Middleton
The Battle to Kill Acid Rain
By Michael Perley and Adele Hurley
By John Willis, Dan McDermott, Joyce McLean
The Timber Class Environmental Assessment
By Anne Koven, John Cary, Don Huff